Yager Therapy / Yager Code

Online or in-person in Kigali, Rwanda

Yager Therapy, also known as the Yager Code, is a powerful, innovative therapeutic approach designed to help resolve deep-seated emotional issues and limiting beliefs. This therapy works by accessing the subconscious mind to address the root causes of mental and physical challenges, without requiring to relive past traumas or emotionally distressing memories.

Key Benefits of Yager Therapy at a Glance

  • Effective for a broad range of issues: Psychological problems, psychosomatic issues, physical conditions and non-clinical issues.
  • High effectivness for long-standing or chronic conditions.
  • Online or in-person: Available in-person, by phone, or online to accommodate individual preferences.
  • Works for nearly everyone, including those resistant to hypnosis, uncomfortable discussing their problems, or lacking self-connection.
  • Supported by over 40 years of scientific research and clinical testing, with confirmed effectiveness and minimal contraindications.


The Yager Code, also known as Subliminal Therapy, was developed in 1972 by Prof. Dr. Edwin K. Yager at the University of San Diego in California. The method focuses on leveraging the mind's inner wisdom and ability to heal itself. Yager Therapy is particularly effective because it operates on a deep level of the mind that many other therapies do not reach. During a session, we work with an aspect of your mind called the "higher intelligence" to gain insight into underlying issues and guide the healing process. The result is a release of mental and emotional barriers that have been blocking your personal growth and well-being. 


Yager Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive method, making it suitable for those who prefer to avoid discussing painful memories in detail. It provides a way to bring about change quickly and effectively by reprogramming the mind at its core.

Psychological problems:

  • Feelings of anxiety: Experiencing persistent worry or unease
  • Low mood: Periods of feeling down or lacking motivation
  • Effects of past trauma: Struggling with memories or feelings stemming from previous distressing events
  • Sleep difficulties: Encountering challenges in falling or staying asleep
  • Unwanted thoughts or behaviors: Facing repetitive thoughts or actions that are hard to control
  • Dependency issues: Finding it difficult to manage habits or reliance on substances
  • Challenges with eating habits: Navigating issues related to food and body image
  • And more

Psychosomatic issues:

  • Chronic pain (e.g. migraines, etc.)
  • Digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Skin conditions like eczema
  • Ringing in the ears, tinnitus
  • Urinary tract complaints (e.g. overactive bladder)
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • And many more

Physical problems that are amplified by psychological factors:

  • Inflammatory conditions, intensified by stress
  • Weak immune system, worsened by stress
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Chronic, persistent or reoccuring pain
  • And many more stress-related physical issues

Academic, professional and non-clinical issues:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Concentration problems
  • Lack of focus
  • Performance in sports (competitive and recreational)
  • Adjustment problems, life challenges
  • Self-esteem, shyness, lack of self-confidence
  • Fear of groups, public speaking, and performance
  • Dealing with and resolving limiting beliefs
  • And much more

Let's get in touch

If you recognize any of these challenges and you are looking for ways to better deal with them and bring positive change to your life, please send me a message and we will discuss how we can work together.